What Training is Needed to Become an HVAC Technician in Florida?

Are you looking to become an HVAC technician in Florida? If so, you'll need to complete a training program and obtain the necessary certifications. To become an HVAC system mechanic, technician, or installer in the Sunshine State, it's important to receive proper training and preparation for the field. This article will provide an overview of the training and certification requirements for working as an HVAC technician or contractor in Florida. The first step to training in this industry is to earn a high school diploma or GED.

This is mandatory to attend most training programs or even to sit for a licensing exam. After graduating from high school, you can start your professional training. You can choose between on-the-job training under the supervision of an authorized contractor or classroom training at a vocational school or university. Florida requires HVAC technicians to be licensed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). Virtually all Florida contractors need to obtain a license from the Construction Industry Licensing Board, including HVAC contractors.

To obtain a license, you must pass a business knowledge exam and a business and financial knowledge exam. When you complete an HVAC program, you'll learn all of the skills needed to become an entry-level HVAC technician. This includes ensuring proper functioning, keeping certifications and licenses active through the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, staying up to date with local, state, and federal legislation on HVAC technologies, and teaching customers about best practices for equipment. For aspiring HVAC workers in Florida interested in a more traditional classroom environment, many programs last six months to two years at vocational schools, community colleges, and similar institutions. Obtaining HVAC certification through Florida Career College is also a good idea if you are looking to be more competitive in the market and receive training in a pressure-free environment. Florida HVAC technicians can follow Faraday's online HVAC training program to help prepare for exams or advance their career. Many employers prefer to hire HVAC technicians who have completed formal HVAC training programs. Your experience, who you work for, and other factors have a big impact on your salary as an HVAC technician in Florida.

An HVAC technician or HVAC service technician is trained to handle any heating, ventilation, or air conditioning and cooling needs and ensure that heating and cooling equipment is operating optimally. Obtaining a Florida HVAC contractor license requires several requirements such as passing an exam, meeting experience requirements, passing a background check, demonstrating financial stability, and obtaining liability insurance. The skills you gain as an HVAC technician will also make you a valuable employee for contractors, direct selling establishments, hardware wholesalers, commercial equipment repair and maintenance companies, grocery stores, home HVAC system repair and replacement companies, and even aerospace manufacturing companies. In addition to complying with state or local licensing laws, HVAC technicians can obtain HVAC certifications. Training to become an HVAC technician can be completed at Florida Career College in as little as ten months. So what do HVAC technicians and installers do in Florida? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 202), these professionals take on various responsibilities such as installing and repairing HVAC systems or testing all components (e.g., motors).

Tanner Merine
Tanner Merine

Subtly charming music specialist. Award-winning coffee fanatic. Friendly web advocate. Music ninja. Wannabe music fan.

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