How Long Does It Take to Replace an HVAC Furnace? - A Comprehensive Guide

Replacing an HVAC furnace can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. On average, it takes between four and ten hours to complete the installation of a furnace, depending on the size and complexity of the unit. Larger and more complex models will require more time and effort than a standard unit. When replacing both an oven and an air conditioner at the same time, the work can take up to fourteen hours. The time needed for installation will vary depending on the size of the unit, the location of installation, and the company you hire.

If you're looking for a reliable air conditioner installer in the Ottawa region, contact Draft Control today. We understand that one of the main reasons homeowners hesitate to buy a new oven is because of how long it takes to install one. Typically, installing a residential oven takes between four and ten hours. Our professionals always strive to make it as easy as possible. The time needed for installation depends on the space available, how the unit fits into it, and any potential issues with electricity, gas or ducts that may arise. Unfortunately, due to the multitude of factors that can affect the total time needed for replacement, it is almost impossible to determine an exact time limit.

Installing an air conditioner unit for the first time can take up to eight hours on average. During replacement, you will need to disassemble the old unit and check all components for any faults before installing the new one. It's important to be flexible enough to accept that there may be variables such as availability and budget that could affect the process. With the right company and preparation, you can ensure that your HVAC furnace replacement goes as smoothly as possible.

How Long Does It Take To Replace An HVAC Furnace?

As an expert in HVAC furnace replacement, I can tell you that it is difficult to give an exact answer as to how long it will take. The duration of installation depends on several factors such as size of unit, location of installation, complexity of unit, availability of parts and budget. On average, replacing a residential furnace takes between four and ten hours.

Larger and more complex models may require more time and effort than a standard unit. If you are replacing both an oven and an air conditioner at the same time, then it could take up to fourteen hours.

Factors That Affect The Time Needed For Replacement

The size of the unit is one of the main factors that affects how long it will take to replace an HVAC furnace. Larger units require more time for installation than smaller ones. The location of installation is also important; if there are any obstacles or difficult access points then this could add extra time. The complexity of the unit is another factor that affects how long it takes to replace an HVAC furnace.

More complex models require more time and effort than standard units. Additionally, if there are any issues with electricity, gas or ducts then this could add extra time.

Tips For A Smooth Replacement Process

When replacing your HVAC furnace, it is important to be flexible enough to accept that there may be variables such as availability and budget that could affect the process. It is also important to hire a reliable company with experienced professionals who understand how long it takes to install a furnace. In addition, make sure you have all necessary parts available before starting the replacement process. This will help ensure that everything goes smoothly and that you don't have any unexpected delays.


Replacing an HVAC furnace can be a daunting task but with the right company and preparation it doesn't have to be.

On average, it takes between four and ten hours to complete the installation of a furnace depending on its size and complexity. When replacing both an oven and an air conditioner at the same time, this could take up to fourteen hours. It is important to be flexible enough to accept that there may be variables such as availability and budget that could affect the process. With the right company and preparation, you can ensure that your HVAC furnace replacement goes as smoothly as possible.

Tanner Merine
Tanner Merine

Subtly charming music specialist. Award-winning coffee fanatic. Friendly web advocate. Music ninja. Wannabe music fan.

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